Exports of "Three New Products" Exceed RMB 1 Trillion for the First Time! TW Solar’s Cell Global Shipments Exceed 200GW!

On January 12,

the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference

to release the 2023 foreign trade report.

The “Three New Products” represented by new energy vehicles, lithium cells, and PV products

have become widely recognized all over the world.

The total exports of the "Three New Products" reached RMB 1.06 trillion,

breaking through the trillion milestone for the first time

with an increase of 29.9%.

TW Solar's intelligent manufacturing plant


As a solar cell manufacturer with the largest production capacity

and largest shipments in the world,

as of the end of 2023,

TW Solar had achieved global cumulative cell shipments

of over 200GW,

boasting the highest shipments in the world for six consecutive years.

(According to InfoLink's statistics)

Its products are exported to

more than 30 countries and regions on five continents,

with a global market share of 15%.

TW Solar’s 5G intelligent manufacturing plant


Surging Green Energy

200GW PV cells

can generate clean energy power of 277.4 billion kWh every year,

to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 182.12 million tons,

and meet the annual electricity needs of 164.302 million urban and rural households.

It saves 83.6361 million tons of standard coal annually,

which is equivalent to planting about 997,231 hectares of forest

or 1.82 billion trees.

TW Solar's intelligent production line


Hardcore Strength Enhancement

Currently, the PV industry is in a window period

for technological update and iteration.

To implement the important instructions from General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Sichuan

“to promote both scientific and technological innovation and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements”,

Tongwei, as a global leading PV company,

vigorously plays its role as a "chain leader"

to accelerate the formation of a crystalline silicon PV industrial innovation chain

and the building of an innovation ecosystem.


On November 30, 2023,

the construction of TW Solar's Global  Innovation R&D  Center

was started.

The project is expected to be completed and put into production in the first half of 2024.

The newly-built R&D plant covers an area of more than 100,000 m2.

It aims to build a national-level corporate R&D center

with strong technological capacity.


As of the end of 2023,

TW Solar has applied for a total of 1,917 solar patents,

including 1,756 domestic patents

and 1,069 authorized patents.

TW Solar continues advancing with technological innovation.

On November 30, 2023, the signing ceremony of TW Solar PV Industry Project and the groundbreaking ceremony of Global Innovation R&D Center Project were held.

Production Capacity Layout Acceleration

2023 is the third year since “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goals were proposed.

In the past three years,

TW Solar has increased its annual cell production capacity

from 27.5GW to 90GW,

and boasted the highest shipments in the world for six consecutive years,

injecting strong green momentum into global sustainable development.

Now, TW Solar is accelerating its production capacity layout.

The construction of the fourth phase of the Meishan Base project is progressing efficiently.

Upon completion, it will become the world's largest

crystalline silicon cell production base.

According to the company's production capacity plan,

from 2024 to 2026,

TW Solar will develop a production capacity of 130-150GW.

The fourth phase of TW Solar Meishan Base project is under construction in January 2024.

Energy transition and green and sustainable development are irreversible all over the world.

China has been advancing global cooperation in the green and low-carbon transition.

In the future, TW Solar will constantly fulfill

its original mission of "changing the world with PV products",

continuously consolidate its core competitiveness,

and contribute Chinese technology and strength

to global green and sustainable development.